Our Preteen program is for preteens (Grades 5-7) to hang out and learn basic life skills. Participants are expected to register for the program (although checking it out a couple of times first is okay too). Our program offers a little something for every preteen: sports, team building activities, culinary endeavors, stuff for girls, stuff for boys, swimming outings, and field trips.
If you want to become a participant or to volunteer, please contact Ian Ditchburn at
Download your Preteen (Grades 5-7) registration form here.
We have an extensive and appealing range of programs and activities youth (ages 13-19). Led by a multidisciplinary team, our programs offer young people to connect with their peers and community, while also providing a safe space in which they can develop their resiliency, life skills, a sense of self, leadership skills, and have fun at the same time. From movie nights to coffeehouses, hiking, kayaking, homework help and newcomer support, we try to meet the diverse needs of all young people who come to our neighbourhood house.
We are committed to making our programs accessible to all! All programs and activities are free and open for anyone to join.
If you want to become a participant or to volunteer, please contact Ian Ditchburn at
Download your Youth (ages 13-19) registration form here.
Young Adults
Our Young Adults (ages 19-24) program are specifically designed for individuals who are seeking for pre-employment support and access to different resources in the community such us:
- One on one information, orientation and referral services.
- Intro to volunteering & placement support
- Resume and cover letter skills
- Opportunities to meet new people and engage in community activities
Please contact Shayan at to book a 1-1 appointment.
Youth Welcome Circle @ Eric Hamber
Join us for a 45-minute lunch program for newcomer youth studying at Eric Hamber Secondary School. You will have a safe hangout space, meet new friends, talk to your youth worker, learn more about your school and your community, as well as get free snacks.
Dates/Times: Every Monday from 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM (except statutory holidays)
Location: Multipurpose Room at Eric Hamber Secondary School
Registration: Please contact Noora at
Beyond Education @ Eric Hamber
Join us for our 8 week program learning about interpersonal, leadership, and pre-employment skills while gaining volunteer hours each session.
Dates/Times: Every Monday from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM (except statutory holidays)
Location: Staff Room at Eric Hamber Secondary School
Registration: Please contact Noora at or Rubena at
The Real Project @ MPNH
Join us for a 12 week leadership program of workshops + peer support training (snacks and honorarium provided). This program empowers youth to speak out against violence.
Dates/Times: Every Monday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Registration: Please contact Ian or call 604.879.8208 ext. 303
Neighbourhood Crew @ Sir Charles Tupper
Join us for an after-school program for newcomer youth (ages 13-19) studying at Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School. You will have a safe hangout space, meet new friends, talk to your youth worker, learn more about your school and your community, as well as get free snacks.
Dates/Times: Every Wednesday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Staff Room at Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School
Registration: Please contact Shayan or call 604.879.8208 ext 319
Youth Action Committee @ Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
In collaboration with Mount Pleasant and Little Mountain Neighbourhood Houses, join us for an after-school leadership program for newcomer youth (grades 10-12). You will gain leadership skills, get experience with grant writing and leading projects, have an impact in the community, and get volunteer hours! Diner will be provided!
Dates/Times: Every Wednesday from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Little Mountain Neighbourhood House (102 1193 Kingsway, Vancouver)
Registration: Please contact Ian at or Stephanie at
Cook Up Your Future @ MPNH
Join us for a free 5-week cooking program for youth ages 13-24, where you will learn how to follow easy recipes, gain new cooking skills and Have fun while preparing a delicious meal to enjoy with your friends.
Dates/Times: Every Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Octobe 15, 22, 29
November 5 and 12
Location: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Registration: Please contact Noora or call 604.879.8208 ext 325
Friday Youth Space @ MPNH
Join us for an after-school program for youth (ages 13-19) at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House. This program is a free drop-in program for everyone to have a safe hangout space, meet new friends, talk to your youth worker, and get free snacks and bus tickets.
Dates/Times: Every Friday from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Registration: Please contact Ian or call 604.879.8208 ext 303
Homework Club @ MPNH
Join us for a weekly homework club program for preteen (ages 10-12) and youth (ages 13-19) at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House. This program will let you get homework support, learn better study habits, gain confidence and time management skills, talk to your youth worker, and get free tutors, snacks, and bus tickets.
Dates/Times: Every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (except long weekends)
Location: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Registration: Please contact Shayan or call 604.879.8208 ext 319
Preteen Program @ MPNH
Join us for a weekly program for newcomer preteens aged 9 – 12 that fosters healthy relationship building, cross-cultural awareness, emotional regulation and mental wellness. The focus of this program is to ensure that preteen clients will have fun, make new friends, and participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as make them ready to transition into high school. Snacks and bus tickets are provided.
Dates/Times: Every Saturday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (except long weekends)
Location: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Registration: Please contact Noora at or call 604.879.8208 ext 325

Thanh Lam (she/they)
(English, Vietnamese, French)
Director – Youth & Newcomer Services
604.879.8208 ext 302
Ronja Flugge (she/her)
(English, Dutch)
Manager of Youth Services
604.879.8208 ext 109
Shayan Abbaszadeh (he/him)
(English, Farsi, Dari)
Youth and Family Settlement Worker
604.879.8208 ext 319
Ian Ditchburn (he/him)
Youth Worker
604.879.8208 ext 303
Noora Shirazi (she/her)
(English, Farsi)
Child and Youth Worker
604.879.8208 ext 325
We would like to acknowledge our funder for all our Settlement Programs: