Food. Connection. Nourishment. Love.
Words on a page. Big, complex concepts. Yet also as simple as simple can be.
The people at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House – participants, volunteers and staff – understand these words and live them every day. We, at the Narrow Group do too. This is why we have chosen to support the Meals for Seniors programming at MPNH. When values align, it makes good sense.
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House is a space for community to flourish. COVID-19 has been hard on everyone, but it’s been especially challenging for our elders, who, as we all know, have had to face more than their share of illness and isolation. Access to high quality food was and remains another challenge whether due high food price, isolation or lack of transportation.
Not-for-profit agencies are facing the dilemma of providing more for less. More older adults facing food insecurity. Less resources.
Nevertheless, and in spite of these challenges, MPNH is committed to providing older adults with good food prepared with the intention of nourishing the body and spirit. Over the past year, MPNH has provided 5700 meals to older adults. Meals are accessible meaning they are low cost; and with options of meal delivery or attending community meals at our house where social connection and fun abound.
We are appealing to you to help us embrace and engage our older adults with good food, company and connection. Your donation is critical to sustaining the important work of providing accessible meals and opportunities to uplift and connect seniors in our neighbourhood. Please consider setting up a monthly donation to help us continue nourish older adults.