The programs we offer for seniors at MPNH are designed to celebrate our elders, enrich their lives, and support them so they may continue enjoying independent lifestyles while engaging with their community. All of our programs and services are either free, at-cost, or subsidized thanks to the support of the United Way, the BC Community Response Network, HSRDC – New Horizons for Seniors, IRCC, Suncor, and The Active Aging Society.
Older Adults and Seniors Programming
Art Box Program
Art Box: Learn and Share Group Zoom session every other Wednesday 12-1pm
Are you interested in getting creative and learning new skills with a friendly and supportive group of people? Every two weeks participants are invited to join an hour-long Zoom call where they can explore the basics of painting, sketching, origami, and much more.
Caregivers Connect
Caregivers Connect offers a point of connection for those who are caregiving for an older adult in our community. Services include one-to-one supports, information and referrals, workshops, wellness activities, our annual Spring Day of Care for Caregivers, and more. For information and to register for programs and/or receive our weekly email updates, please contact Shelly at or 604-879-8208 ext 104.
Caregivers Support Group – Zoom sessions on the last Thursday of the month from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. Come share stories with others caring for family and friends, receive resource information, and enjoy 3 minutes of meditation at the end. This time is just for you! To register, contact Shelly at
Seniors Coffee Group – Zoom sessions every Friday 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Welcoming all caregivers or the seniors you care for to join our Friday Coffee Club! Senior volunteer, Athena Roddick, hosts this weekly group chat where we talk about the latest local and international news, recall our travel days, chat about books we’ve been reading, our tech challenges and more. To register, contact Shelly at
Chair Yoga
Hybrid class (in-person and Zoom) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
This gentle chair yoga class is facilitated by a peer volunteer. Participate online from the comfort of your own home or in-person at our neighbourhood house. Registration is required.
Contact Carolyn for more information: or 604-879-8208 ext 221.
Chinese Seniors Choir
The Chinese Choir brings together older adults (55+) who like to sing and listen to Chinese traditional music. Most participants are newcomers who have been in Canada for less than five years and speak Mandarin. The group runs every Monday morning with support from two experienced volunteers.
The cost of this program is $20 per six-month season (Apr. to Aug. / Sept. to Mar.).
For more information, contact
Choose to Move
Choose to Move is a free, flexible program that provides you with motivation and support to become more active.
Being active is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your overall health. In Choose to Move, you pick activities you enjoy and get support to develop a personal action plan to help meet your unique goals. The12-week program includes one-to-one coaching and group sessions, where you will explore ways to live a healthier and more active life.
To learn more, contact Omnia at or call 604-879-8208 ext. 112
English Conversation Class for Seniors
In-person class every Thursday from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Practise English conversation skills used in daily life in a safe, supportive space. This weekly class is led by a volunteer who is a native English speaker.
Contact Ronja for more information: or 604-879-8208 ext 109.
Everyday Nature
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House’s Everyday Nature Program presents a series of walking tours, hands-on activities, and learning spaces aimed at highlighting the abundance of biodiversity and life that exist just outside of our doors. By focusing on plants, birds, insects, and other aspects of urban nature, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for life through nature’s often unnoticed details.
Contact Syd: 604.879.8208 or email:
Line Dancing
In-person every Monday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Come and learn simple choreographed dances in this fun, lively volunteer-led program. Each week, you will practise several dances made up of a repetitive sequence of steps. No previous dance experience necessary.
The cost is $20 for a 10-class punch card.
For more info, contact Carolyn at or call 604-879-8208 ext. 221.
Lunch for Seniors
Every Tuesday and Friday from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Come and share a meal with your neighbours at our Seniors Lunch on Tuesdays and our all-ages Community Lunch on Fridays. Lunch is served at noon and typically followed by bingo. A single meal costs $5, or buy a 5-meal punch card for $20 (excluding special events).
For more information, contact Omnia at or call 604-879-8208 ext. 112
Mount Pleasant Men's Shed
Come join our new in-person men’s group, open to all those who self-identify as men. We are committed to exploring and establishing spaces for older men to create, learn, and bond with each other and other members of the community. We meet on a regular basis to sustain bonds between group members and work toward developing the group’s projects, which include establishing a speaker’s café series and a Men’s Shed in central Vancouver. If you are open to new ideas and conversations, interested in crafting, or want to meet a lively bunch of men, this group may be for you!
For more information, email Dulcy at
MPNH Tech Cafe
In-person every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Drop-in. Have questions about your computer, tablet, smartphone, or the internet? Come to our drop-in Tech Café, where volunteers and staff will help answer your questions and provide tips to keep you safe online. This is an all-ages drop-in program. No registration required. Remember to bring your device!
For more information, contact Micah at or 604.879.8208 ext. 110.
Multigenerational Garden Club
Join us weekly to plant and tend to the house’s garden and build relationships in the community!
Members are welcome to bring their own gardening knowledge here as we care for the garden space that surrounds Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House! Members are encouraged to bring their experience to the table, teaching each other about the different ways they have learned to tend to the natural world as they care for a space that will in turn, care for its community.
Contact Syd: 604.879.8208 or email:
Nature Library and Storytelling
Our new Nature Library offers nature-focused books for all ages. Located in the lounge, this space is designed to spark curiosity about the natural world! Through this, we hope to build stronger connections between our community and the natural world that surrounds it!
Visitors to the Neighbourhood House are welcome to flip through books at their own pace, or alternatively, to join our multigenerational storytelling program! In collaboration with our childminding programs – registered volunteers to this program are invited to do their best character voices and read stories to a group of enthusiastic, nature-loving kids.
Contact Syd: 604.879.8208 or email:
Nature Walk
Join us to come together and appreciate Vancouver’s urban nature!
Our Everyday Nature tours will explore and learn about the rich biodiversity surrounding the neighbourhood house, coming together to appreciate the abundance of nature in our city. Topics will encompass everything from edible plants to urban birds, with each of these walks encouraging us to learn more about the life that surrounds us!
Contact Syd: 604.879.8208 or email:
Better At Home
Better at Home - Housekeeping
Through Better at Home, we provide light housekeeping service to older adults (65+) living in the Mount Pleasant catchment. While this program is currently at capacity, we continue to accept applications to our waitlist.
Hourly subsidised rates are based on the previous year’s Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency.
For more information and to complete an intake, contact Anu Ismail at or call 604-879-8208 ext. 108.
Better at Home - Meal Delivery
Get healthy frozen meals delivered weekly to your doorstep. This program is open to older adults (65+) living in the Mount Pleasant catchment area. This meal cost is sliding scale, ranging from $5 to $11. A limited number of subsidies are available. The cost will be determined based on the previous year’s Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency.
For more information and to complete an intake, please contact Holly at or 604-879-8208 ext. 114.
Better at Home - Friendly Visiting
Our Friendly Visiting program is now offering weekly social phone calls to older adults (65+) living in the Mount Pleasant catchment area. Participants are matched with a trusted volunteer, who will call weekly at an agreed upon time within our neighbourhood house’s office hours.
For more information, contact Anu Ismail at or call 604-879-8208 ext. 108.
Better at Home - Yard work
Get help with light yard work. This program matches you with a volunteer who will assist with outdoor tasks such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves or shoveling snow. You will need to provide any tools or materials required for the yard work — and all tasks must take place outdoors. Like all our Better at Home services, you must be 55 or older and live in the Mount Pleasant area to be eligible.
Contact Anu for more information: or call 604-879-8208 extension 108
Important documents that you can download:
Anu Ismail
Better at Home Coordinator
604-879-8208 ext.108
Carolyn Wong
Seniors Services Manager
604.879.8208 ext 221
Holly Kryworuchka
Interim At-Home Services Intake Specialist
604-879-8208 ext. 114
Omnia El-Shayeb
Seniors Program Coordinator and Settlement Worker
604-879-8208 ext. 112
Shelly Schnee
Interim Caregiver Connect Coordinator
604-879-8208 ext 104