Alice’s story: Youth can do it too

Alice’s story: Youth can do it too

Alice is a youth who came to Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House in August 2014. She came to the employment team at our House for assistance with finding a volunteer position, to gain experience for entering the job force. Alice completed Grade 12 with the aid of a...
Family literacy in Mount Pleasant

Family literacy in Mount Pleasant

Story from Vancouver Community College’s Community Report When Zahra Jalali immigrated to Canada 10 years ago, she already had a degree in English translation from her home country of Iran. She soon realized, however, that knowing and using a language were very...

Steele of Approval: Neighbourhood House Week

In honour of Neighbourhood House Week, CKNW’s Lynda Steele speaks with Deb Bryant, CEO of the Association of Neigbhourhood Houses of BC (ANHBC), about how neighbourhood houses fight social isolation.
Rana’s Story: Finding a fulfilling career in Canada

Rana’s Story: Finding a fulfilling career in Canada

Two weeks after her move from Dubai to Canada, Rana connected with Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House-WorkBC Specialized Services by attending our ‘BC Industry Speakers and Job Fair’ in February 2018. Here, Rana expressed that she lacked the support of her family in...