Bus Trip & Picnic: George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Join us for a bus trip and picnic at the scenic George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary. Enjoy spending time in nature, and many beautiful kinds of birds. The cost is $8/person. Please bring your water bottle and a snack to share Meet at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House at 9:45 am. The bus leaves at […]

Second Beat: Art Share & Open Mic | Free Entry

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Discover a sense of empowerment and celebrate pride through our supportive community, led by and for folks who are social justice-minded. This is a QTBIMPOC-led* program that fosters community connection, inclusion, and diversity through the sharing of multimedia art, skills, and stories. A welcoming open mic space to share your art, skills, stories, and journeys. […]

Trivia Night for our House

Red Truck Brewing 295 East 1st Ave, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Drink local beer, strain your brain, and do it all for your neighbours!Join us at Red Truck Brewing for beer and a burger, and a little friendly trivia competition. Teams can be made up of 2-6 people. Choose your friends and competitors wisely!Your $20 will help raise money for Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House—a community hub […]


Youth Action Committee (YAC Leadership)

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

A leadership training program for youth from ages 13-19 focused on helping them learn how to create, develop, and implement community projects at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House. This program is ideal for youth interested in gaining the confidence and skills necessary for their professional and/or educational goals. The youth will also participate in a monthly […]


Leadership for Newcomer Youth

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

A leadership training program for newcomer youth to develop their leadership and organizational skills as they plan and implement their own programming for the neighbourhood house and community. Contact: Manuel Gamas, mgamas@mpnh.org, 604.879.8208 ext 318 (English, Spanish) Iman Al-Sallal, ialsallal@mpnh.org, 604.879.8208 ext 318 (Arabic, English)


Seniors Hub Council

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Are you passionate about issues affecting seniors in your community? Join us! Our Seniors Hub Council is a place to take action, share ideas and connect with other seniors. Contact Claudine to participate: 604.879.8208 ext 139 cmatlo@mpnh.org


Seniors English Conversation Club

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

新移民长者英文对话班 周四下午 2–4p.m. Master daily conversational English used in diverse scenarios with Matheus, and meet friends in an age-friendly environment. To register please contact Jessie Huang: 604.879.8208 ext 105 | jhuang@mpnh.org

Women in Motion: Business Information Fair

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Women in Motion: Feria Informativa de Negocios Women helping women launch their businesses Do you want to start or improve your business? Connect with experts from different organizations that will help you achieve it! Child care available. Registration required. Please contact Millie to register:Millie Martinezmmartinez@mpnh.org604.879.8208 ext 232 Mujeres ayudando a mujeres a emprender su negocio […]


Women in Motion: Entrenamiento

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

Mujeres ayudando a mujeres a emprender su negocio TemasPlan de negociosFinanzas: flujo de cajaConeccion con clientes y comunidadRedes socialesSistema legal para empresasMantener el equilibrio entre tu trabajo y tu vida personal AgendaSesion InformativaSeptiembre 7 de 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Entrenamiento8 sesiones de Septiembre a Noviembre (miercoles de 6-8 p.m.)Soporte individualizadoSe entrega certificado de participacionCupos limitadosFeria NavideñaNoviembre 30 […]


Healthy Living Program (Free)

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 800 East Broadway, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, BC, Canada

First Steps to Prevention | Healthy Living Program (Free) Who would benefit? Adults and families with the following: High cholesterol Pre-diabetes or diabetes History of gestational diabetes High blood pressure Physical inactive Overweight Learn about Healthy eating, physical activity, overall wellness Facilitators Joyce is a Community Dietitian with the Healthy Living Program at Vancouver Coastal […]