We are organizing the making and delivery of handmade Valentines to the seniors at hospitals and care homes. The idea started small, and now we are reaching out to more than 1000 seniors. The pandemic has led to social isolation, with seniors being affected the most. And, so we believe that this gesture will bring smiles and make senior’s happy on Valentine’s Day.
We are glad to receive an immediate and heartfelt response from the community. Many have come forward to send love to the seniors. Students from local schools, MPNH volunteers and people from the community have made valentines with messages of love and support like “Stay Strong,” “Your Neighbours Love You,” etc.
We are stronger as a community, and we want those in long-term care to know that they are a significant part of our community. Letting our seniors, particularly those in long-term care, know that we are all in this together, that we care and that there is hope is the best medicine. – Claudine Matlo, Director of Community Programs
All these cards will be delivered to the facilities by the staff and volunteers of the Neighbourhood House. We are inviting people to drop off cards at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House. If you want to be a part of this, please send your valentine’s cards before February 10, 2021.
A special request here – We have Seniors in LTC from various backgrounds. If you want to send us Valentines in your native language, you are more than welcome to do it!
For further information about this initiative, you can always reach out to our Special Events and Outreach Coordinator, Daniela Gunn-Doerge, at DGunnDoerge@mpnh.org and Caregivers Connect Coordinator Judy Venable at JVenable@mpnh.org.
Below are the links to the Media coverage of this love-filled program:
Global News – https://globalnews.ca/news/7611028/seniors-valentines-covid/
City News Vancouver – https://www.citynews1130.com/video/2021/01/29/mount-pleasant-neighbourhood-house-sending-love-to-seniors-in-care
CTV News: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2132234&binId=1.1184756&playlistPageNum=1
CTV News: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/a-b-c-organization-hoped-for-150-valentine-s-day-cards-for-isolated-seniors-it-received-thousands-1.5306792?fbclid=IwAR3XtqdXbmm99A6iNpSi-Z4PHUhj4eeZhzuqbLPnK-p2SClsJKRDs0UFq3U
Daily Hive: https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/mount-pleasant-valentines-day-cards-seniors?fbclid=IwAR0VtjA04zep3lA7Ge_LclKhVadBbznSNGhpMdWreQ_6xahgL8fh-oxp23A
BCIT News: https://bcitnews.com/2021/02/10/for-the-record-sending-love-to-seniors-isolated-by-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0M-B0IdurKmVKKCvEBbc8Rzw81XOy2GW7IHRnmZQupQ7a0VlNJuxraX7w
Vancouver Sun: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/lifting-vancouver-seniors-spirits-for-valentines-is-in-the-cards?fbclid=IwAR1iwn8DtSJ5XjoiK3nxaGZYTj3wVs3YOfoNzqp924YQncItoZCk2YpXFiU