Alberto’s Story: Job search help pays off for newcomers

Alberto’s Story: Job search help pays off for newcomers

Alberto* came to see José at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House because he wanted to become an ESL teacher. Alberto did not qualify for WorkBC services, but he was eligible instead for Employment Support for Newcomers services. Alberto needed assistance with...
Living longer and better

Living longer and better

“We really have to rethink what aging and living a full life looks like.” Tracy Lynch, our Seniors Program and Hub Coordinator, met up with the SFU Department of Gerontology this spring to talk about her work at our House, since graduating from their...
Supporting families through affordable childcare

Supporting families through affordable childcare

“At the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC, we will certainly opt in to the child-care fee reduction initiative,” said Deb Bryant, CEO of ANHBC. “We’re glad to be part of an initiative that provides some financial relief to the families we serve.” “The...
Getting SMART with rock star habits

Getting SMART with rock star habits

Wearing his favourite checkered socks and his best pair of blue jeans, Dustin Hogan, a professional speaker and trainer joined the Wednesday English Conversation Class on March 7 to inspire us to set SMART (specific, measureable, articulate, realistic, and timely)...
Social Inclusion: Barb’s Story

Social Inclusion: Barb’s Story

Neighbourhood houses are known as places to connect, volunteer, and become involved in the community. Many people do not realize the important work that neighbourhood houses do to help people feel a sense of belonging. This is known as social inclusion, and is...