Celebrate diversity and LGBT2QIA+ inclusion* at neighbourhood houses this summer!
*LGBT2QIA+: Lesbian, Gay/Genderqueer, Bisexual, Trans, Two Spirit, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Agender/Asexual, plus many more identities.
In 2019, we’re honoured celebrate the 125th anniversary of our umbrella organization—the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC (ANHBC)!
Respecting Neighbours & Celebrating Diversity
Our neighbourhood houses are committed to providing inclusive spaces for neighbours from all different backgrounds. Learn more about our ANHBC Diversity & Inclusion Statement and our Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House Respect Policy.
Please join us in celebrating Pride at our houses and in the Vancouver community!
Absolutely Fabulous! Gordon House Pride

Monday, July 22 | 4-7 p.m.
Gordon Neighbourhood House (1019 Broughton Street)
Join us in the West End for this free pre-Pride celebration, featuring:
- Music
- Snacks and light refreshments
- Mural painting
- Human library (learn about your neighbours)
- Costume-making workshop
For more information, please contact welcome@gordonhouse.org, or call 604.683.2554.
Saturday, July 27 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House (800 East Broadway)
Join our supportive community art share night, led and hosted by folks of colour, folks who identify as LGBT2QIA+, and folks who are social justice-minded. A welcoming open mic space to share art, skills, stories, and journeys. Grab some cotton candy in your favourite rainbow colour (free, or by donation).
Contact Cherine to sign up: ckhalil@mpnh.org.
Sunday, August 4 | 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Downtown Vancouver (exact time and meeting location to be announced)
Join our ANHBC team as we march for LGBT2QIA+ visibility and inclusion. Brought to you by Gordon Neighbourhood House and Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House!
Jenny van Enckevort
Special Projects & Communications Coordinator
604.879.8208 ext 102