Need more free things to do? Tiny parks catch on in Vancouver

Need more free things to do? Tiny parks catch on in Vancouver

by Laura Sciarpelletti · CBC News · Posted: Aug 25, 2018 3:00 PM PT | Last Updated: August 26 ‘We wanted to make a public space that’s visible to a really diverse group of neighbours’ Listen to the full story: East Vancouver has a new park. And...
The movement for belonging: Neighbourhood Houses in Metro Vancouver

The movement for belonging: Neighbourhood Houses in Metro Vancouver

Satinder Singh first came to Collingwood Neighbourhood House 26 years ago, seeking childcare. The neighbourhood house movement helped her find her purpose in life. Try a little social experiment. Go up to your friend, colleague or neighbour, and ask them the name of...
How to save a life: Front line stories and overdose prevention

How to save a life: Front line stories and overdose prevention

Content advisory: This good-news story describes the experiences of people on the front lines of the fentanyl overdose crisis. More than 50 people gathered at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House on October 11 to hear first-hand accounts from five storytellers whose...